Oskar Almlund
Practice Drill

One of my favorite drills is ”The Wrench.” The Wrench is practiced with an alignment stick or a club placed in the middle of your stance. Take your normal set-up, keeping the hands slightly in front of the ball and feeling about 55-60% of the weight favoring your front foot. When you swing back, the drill is to turn your hips as much as you can while keeping the hips in front of/on the target side of the alignment stick. As you swing through, simply turn to your finish and keep the hips in front of the stick.

The purpose of this drill is to get the weight and the hips far enough forward to make better contact as well to create a backswing with the most hip turn that helps you hit the ball farther than ever before. Expected shots from this drill are high and long shots.

This drill is great to practice at anytime, on the range or even to implement in your game on the course. Obviously, on the course you can’t put down your alignment stick for every shot, but it can be a great swing thought to ensure solid contact and long shots.

Oskar demonstrates below...

Written by on June 23rd, 2015 in Golf, Golfers, Instructors

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