Stack&Tilt Camp Europe (Summer)- Germany


Stack&Tilt Camp will head to Germany at the fabulous Golf Park St. Wendel in North Saarland, a perfect location bordering France, Belgium and Luxembourg for our Spring/Summer European Camp 2025.

Camp runs from the to the 12th June 2025 - 16th June 2025 and hosting the camps will be Germany's longest serving and most experienced Stack&Tilt™ Authorised Instructor Clive Jenkins. Representing Team Europe's Stack&Tilt Camp instructors are Timo van Geest from Holland, Billy Irvine and Martin Park from England.

Golf Park St Wendel is the perfect location for Camp and the #gridlife, bordering France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Whilst Saarland is the smallest of the Germany Federal states, it boasts the most Michelin star restaurants anywhere in Germany, thanks to the influence of the French cuisine and if you are partial to a good wine, it's not too far from the Mosel Valley!

Accommodation is not included on this camp, but can be easily arranged at the magnificent Hotel on site, Angel's das Hotel am Golfpark. Spaces are limited and operate on a first come, first served basis.

Stack&Tilt™ Camp is a thorough exploration of the system from the basic elements, the fundamentals and our ten-word template. As all good systems will demonstrate, it is applicable just as much to the beginner golfer, the seasoned club player, elite amateurs and the finest players such as the major champions who choose to practice with us.

There is no handicap limit here at all. Everyone is welcome and while of course we appreciate 'everyone is different', we can, and will demonstrate the power of a system for any standard of player.

How your practice is put together makes the difference. Do your practice with the best, from the most basic elements to the finest details, supervised practice is designed for results. During Camp, our instruction includes personalised comparisons and videos made directly to your phone or email to serve as a reminder of your session along with digital class notes from the TrackMan sessions and AimPoint Express.
We are passionate about delivering results and we’ve spent years getting the science, anatomy and physiology correct so we can bring success to any level of golfer. Opportunities come to pass you by, they don’t stop and wait!

Upon arrival, we welcome all participants for drinks in the hotel on the resort and lay out the plans for the camp. Then buckle up for three days intensive coaching, hospitality, socialising and camaraderie.

We always finish camp in fine fashion with a farewell dinner at a fabulous local restaurant, personally selected by our host, Clive. It's a great way to harness the energy of Camps for all of our guests, coaches and staff before heading back to your respective countries, armed with some serious upgrades!

€1650 per person, excluding accomodation

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please contact:


Thursday, June 12, 2025 to

Monday, June 16, 2025

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


Golf Park Bostalsee

North Saarland
