More than a swing.
A golf system.

About Stack & Tilt Golf

Stack & Tilt® Golf challenges established notions of golf coaching fundamentals. Traditionally, beginners are taught to focus on aspects like grip, stance and posture. Things that ironically vary dramatically amongst top flight players. We recognize that the true fundamentals are the ability to hit the ground on the same spot with every swing, with enough power to play the course and enough mastery of shot direction to play it well. It’s an insight they’ve developed systematically to make it teachable. It’s simple enough to deliver fun results for the beginner, yet deep enough to give the more experienced player a three-dimensional understanding of the physiology of the game. Simply put, it’s a game changer.

  • Basic Elements of the Stack & Tilt Golf Swing

    Weight Forward

    Setting up with more lower body weight forward helps the golfer accomplish two things: 1) make solid contact and hit the ground after the ball and 2) swing the club in-to-out to promote a draw. Not only should the weight be forward at set-up, but the lower body weight should continue to move forward the entire swing to help make contact consistent time after time.

  • Basic Elements of the Stack & Tilt Golf Swing

    Shoulder Down

    The left shoulder going downward in the backswing and not moving inward keeps the golfer's head still. This key move, combined with the weight forward at set-up, helps the golfer hit the ball first. In addition, by keeping the head stable, the club and hands can rotate around the body in a circle.

  • Basic Elements of the Stack & Tilt Golf Swing

    Hands In

    A golfer swings his hands inward in the backswing as opposed to straight back to 1) create power, similar to a field goal kicker moving his leg in an arc and 2) to promote a swing that is in-to-out, which produces a draw (and eliminates a slice).

  • Basic Elements of the Stack & Tilt Golf Swing

    Leg Straight

    The knee flex in the golf swing changes. This is true in the backswing, the downswing and the follow-through. In the backswing, we recommend that the left knee flexes and the right knee straightens, allowing the hips and shoulders to turn more. In the downswing, the knees go back to their original flex. After impact, the left knee straightens.

  • Basic Elements of the Stack & Tilt Golf Swing

    Arms Straight

    Masses of golfers flex their arms too much on the backswing, but more importantly at impact and to the finish. When a golfer keeps his arms straight as the club swings downward to the ball, the radius of the swing is preserved. As soon as the arms bend or flex near impact, ball contact becomes inconsistent. In addition, straight arms help prevent a golfer from swinging too far across the ball, which can contribute to a slice. Having a clear understanding of when the left arm bends is instrumental in developing consistent contact and ball speed and full extension of the arms is a primary factor in enabling the golfer to swing out to the ball to create a draw.